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The Tutorial Manager component is responsible for controlling the tutorial screen. It brings with it some properties and events so you can make the best use of it.
Categories: the property responsible for configuring the categories and items that will appear on the screen. Remember that the order in which you configure the categories will be the same order they appear on the screen, so organize everything carefully according to the level of importance.
Auto Initialize (default true): determines whether the screen will be initialized automatically or via script.
Mute Audio (default true): if you have background music playing and it's not interesting to play the video's audio together, leave this option enabled. If you have a tutorial video with voice, uncheck this option so that you can hear the audio properly.
Category Prefab: if you're hardcore and knowledgeable enough to extend the component, this is where you'll add the category prefab.
Item Prefab: and this is where you'll add the item's prefab.
On Category Changed: event triggered when a new category is selected, either by keyboard command or by clicking on it. When changing a category, the first item of the selected category will be displayed automatically.
On Item Changed: event triggered when a new item is selected, either by keyboard command or by clicking on it.
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