Time to get your hands dirty!
Last updated
Time to get your hands dirty!
Last updated
The first step is to import the asset into your project. You can do this from the menu Window > Package Manger
With the asset imported, locate the SteamManager script, available in the folder Assets > Lucky Raccoon Games > Really Simple Steam Integration > Integrations > 3rd Party and open it in your favorite editor
Change line 99 with your Steam App ID:
Don't know what your game's App ID is? You can find it in Steamworks, on the game's settings page (a numerical sequence, right next to the game's name)
In the root folder of your project locate the steam_appid.txt file and open it in your favorite editor. Add in this file your App ID as well and don't forget to save the changes.
The steam_appid.txt file is for the API to work properly in Unity Editor
Warning! Do not include the steam_appid.txt file in your release build
Woohoo! It's all ready for you to get started :)